
Your Student ID is your Library Membership Card. Library users are compelled to carry with them their APIIT Student ID in order to gain entry to the library. Students who fail to do so will not be allowed to enter the library.

Library membership is not transferable. A member should not allow his/her Student ID Card to be used by another individual. Any attempt to borrow books with another member's card will result in the card being confiscated. Disciplinary action will also be taken against the students concerned.

Library and Administrative staff must be notified if a Student ID Card is lost or stolen. A Member will be fully responsible for any consequences if this matter is left unreported.

Members must immediately inform the library staff on duty of any change in their personal particulars.

Library Briefings

The library conducts Introductory Sessions on library resources, facilities, and services when new students are introduced. Should you miss these group sessions for some reason or other, do request for a personal introduction to the facilities from the library staff on duty.

Lending Policy

Listed below are the types of library members and their borrowing privileges:

Group Type Loan Limit Loan Period
Undergraduate Students 2 Books Green Tagged Books – 1 week with one renewal Yellow Tagged Books – 3 days with one renewal
1 Reference Copy (Red Tagged Book) Red Tagged Books – 2-4 hrs. (Daytime; overnight borrowing is allowed after 5 p.m. to be returned on the following first working day by 10 a.m.)
1 CD/Periodical 1 CD for 3 days with one renewal.
PostGraduate Students 5 Books Silver Tagged Books - 2 weeks and one renewal which will be for one week only. Green Tagged Books for 1 week with one renewal. Yellow Tagged Books for 3 days with two renewals.
1 Reference Copy (Red Tagged Book) Red Tagged Books – 2-4 hrs. (Daytime; overnight borrowing is allowed after 5 p.m. to be returned on the following first working day by 10 a.m.)
1 CD/Periodical 1 CD for 3 days with one renewal.

• The loan period and loan limit may be changed without prior notice at the discretion of the Management.

• A member must produce his/her ID card when borrowing library material.

• No items are to be taken out from the library unless a member of the library staff has issued them out to the borrower.

• The borrower must ensure that all library items in his/her possession have been issued out before he/she leaves the library. Failure to do so could result in suspending the student's borrowing facilities for one week.

• The borrower should ensure that the items being borrowed out are in good condition. A member is fully responsible for any damaged item taken under his/her name.

• A member who has reported the loss of his/her Membership Card will be allowed entry if they produce their payment receipt as a substitute. Members will be allowed a grace period of 14 days to obtain a replacement card.

Book Loans

• Each member can borrow only one copy of a book title, regardless of the edition.

• A member is not allowed to borrow a book on the same day that it is returned to the library. This is to ensure that other members have the opportunity to borrow the book.

• A member will need to ensure that the books he/she is about to borrow is in good condition and have not been scribbled upon. Damaged Books should be handed to the library staff member on duty. The library staff member will then take appropriate action to get the book repaired. Should you need the book very urgently, please ensure that details of the extent of the damage is noted on the date due slip before the book is issued on loan to you.

• The library member should ensure that the staff member on duty, stamps the due date on the date slip of the book prior to the member leaving the library.

Book Returns

• Books should be returned on or before the Due Date assigned. Fines are imposed on overdues.

• It is the member's responsibility to ensure that the books returned are processed by the Library Staff Member before he /she leaves the counter.

• Members returning books are strongly advised against leaving books at the counter without notifying the staff on duty.

• A member's account will be suspended if his/her fines are not settled. For details on fines, please refer to fine table.

Book Renewal

• Users are encouraged to do renewals online.

• Undergraduates are permitted one renewal only for Green and Yellow tagged books provided there are no reservations for the titles in question. Postgraduate students are allowed two renewals for yellow tagged books provided there are no reservations. (Please ensure that the due date is updated.)

• Users are required to return the books in case a reservation has been placed for books out on loan to them.

• Book renewals cannot be done via telephone or email.

• If you encounter any problems while trying to renew online, you may have to inform the library immediately by forwarding a print screen of the page and e-mail to at least two library team members and the book should be brought to the library. (Email addresses of the library team are indicated on

Book Reservations

• Reservations may be placed on items which are out on loan. Each user is allowed to reserve a maximum of 3 items at a given time. "Books Ready for Collection" is notified by e-mail. The date for collection of a reserved book is merely an approximate date.

• Users are given a grace period of 3 days to collect their reservations. Books reserved will be assigned to the next user if a member fails to collect the reserved books within the grace period.

• Searching the Online Library Catalogue, Book Renewals/Reservations Off Campus could be done by logging into:

• If you encounter any problems while trying to reserve online, you may have to inform the library immediately by forwarding a print screen of the page and e-mail to at least two staff members of the library team.

Loans of CD-ROMS

• CD-ROMS that come as a supplement to books are available for a three day loan period.

• The borrower should ensure that the CD-ROMS are in good condition prior to borrowing. Borrowers are liable for any damage to CD- ROMS whilst in their possession


• An item becomes overdue if it is not returned or renewed on or before the due date.

• Overdue items incur fines and results in borrowing privileges being suspended until the book(s)/items are returned and the fines settled.

• Fines could be settled only by visiting the library and by paying cash.

• Disciplinary action which may include forfeiture of library deposit will be effected, if books are not returned within 30 days after the due date and fines not settled

• Fines charge may change without prior notice at the discretion of the Management.

• The table below shows fines levied on overdue items:

Item Type Fine
Standard Three Day Loans (Yellow Tags) Rs. 20/- for the 1st day and Rs. 80/- per each overdue day thereafter
Standard One Week Loans (Green Tags) and CDs Rs. 5/- for each day for a period of 7 days.  This will increase to Rs. 20/- per day for the next seven (7) days and to Rs. 50/- per day thereafter inclusive of public holidays and weekends.
Short Loans (2 – 4) hours (Red Tags) Rs. 5/- per hour
Periodicals Rs. 2/- per day

Book Requisitions

• Recommendations to further enhance the library collection can be made by students through the library/academic staff. Relevant details (e.g. Title, Author, Publisher, ISBN, and Year of Publication) are necessary to facilitate speedy acquisition of the item. All requests will be given due consideration and relevant items will be purchased.

• Members are encouraged to provide the library management with feedback and suggestions. This will enable the library to consistently improve the services and facilities provided.

Feedback and Comments

• Members are encouraged to provide the library management with feedback and suggestions. This will enable the library to consistently improve the services and facilities provided.

Lost or Damaged Materials

• If an item out on loan is lost or damaged, the borrower will be held liable for it and he/she must cover the cost of replacing or repairing the material.

• If an item out on loan is confirmed lost, a member must inform the library staff member on duty so that fines will not continue to be accumulated. Payment for or replacement of lost material needs to be settled within 30 days.

• An additional charge may be included to cover the administrative costs of replacing the material.


• Photocopying facility is available within the library premises for academic purpose only, subject to the policies laid down by the Management. Photocopying of non-academic, personal or any external material will be construed as a violation of Library Rules and abuse of APIIT resources and will lead to disciplinary action.

• A special subsidized material cost of Rs. 4/- per double side and Rs. 3/- per single side copying is charged.

• According to the copyright law, an individual is allowed to make single copies of the following for research/private study.

• 1 chapter of a book

• 10% from a book

• 1 article from a periodical/magazine

Library Computers

• The computers provided in the library are to be used by students for improving your English Language Skills by accessing the Software provided and also online catalogue search, online academic research and CD browsing. The CD-ROMS will be made available to users upon request at the circulation counter.

• Use of computers for sending emails and SMS messaging and for online chatting is strictly prohibited.

• Members are prohibited from installing application programmes into the computers made available for student use.

• Disciplinary action will be taken against members committing any of the above-mentioned offences.

• Members are advised to save their work onto their own storage media. The Library Management will not be responsible for any loss of work saved in the library computers

• Please approach the member of the library team on duty when faced with technical problems with the computers.

Personal Belongings

• Students are not allowed to bring any item into the library other than the books that are to be returned, or writing materials (e.g. Loose leaves).

• Members should not leave their belongings (laptops, mobile phones, wallets etc.) unattended within the library. The Library management will not be responsible for any loss of personal belongings.

Library Security System

• A Book Detection System is in place at the entrance/exit point of the library. This is for the intention of minimizing loss of library property.

• If the security system alarm sounds upon your entering or leaving the library, kindly approach the library staff member at the counter

• Theft, mutilation and vandalism are criminal acts. Disciplinary action will be taken against any Individual who commits any of the above offences.

Suspension of Library Membership

• Students who fail to pay library fines or those who continue to retain books/reading material after the due date shall have their borrowing privileges suspended, temporarily.

• Such membership may be restored when the relevant book(s) have been returned and/or any outstanding charges have been settled.

• In the event of library material or a fine being overdue for more than 30 days, a notice shall be sent requesting the student to return overdue material and settle the fine within seven working days from the date of the letter. Failure to do so within the stipulated deadline will result in the student's library deposit being forfeited and library membership withdrawn. The membership may be restored only on the student paying a fresh deposit at current rate, returning overdue material and settling outstanding charges.

Termination of Membership& Refund of Library Deposit

• Students are allowed to terminate their membership only on completing or discontinuing their studies at APIIT–Sri Lanka.

• In case of discontinuation of their studies all dues must be settled and the Exit Form has to be completed and handed over to the Academic Administration Department.

• Library Membership Termination Notice has to be completed and handed over to the library to recover the deposit.

• In the case of students who have completed their degree the refund of the library deposit will take place only after the final results are released.

• However, the management reserves the right to forfeit the library deposit in full or partially to recover any dues to the institution.

SU Registration & Access to Online Resources

• Undergraduate students entering to Staffordshire University awards are required to pay the SU Registration fee of £ 100 within the first 2 weeks from the commencement of each academic year.

• Postgraduate students entering to Staffordshire University awards are required to pay a one time payment of the SU Registration fee of £ 150 within the first 2 weeks from the commencement of the academic year.

• To do this you need to collect the letter from the Finance Division. Handover the letter along with your payment to the Bank counter to obtain the Draft. Every Student shall obtain a Bank Draft for the specified amount and hand it over to the Finance Division. (On the reverse of the Bank Draft payee shall indicate his/her details viz. Name, CB No., Batch Code and Personal and APIIT E-mail Addresses.) On receipt of the Bank Draft the Finance Division shall issue a receipt to the Student.

• Failure to make this payment within 30 days of commencement of each year of study, a late payment fee of Rs.100/- per day will be applicable thereafter .

• Student shall activate the APIIT E-mail Account in Microsoft Office 365 indicated in WebSpace. (e.g.

• IT department will conduct a session on this at each orientation. If you still need clarification on This, the IT Department and/or Library will assist you. Once the APIIT E-mail Account is activated, you are required to inform the library and only those names will be sent to SU for obtaining Athens authorization. This is purely because Athens login details to access Staffordshire (SU) Online Resources which will be valid for a period of one year only will be sent direct by SU to your APIIT Email Account. Students are required to check their APIIT Email Account frequently until the details are received from SU, as it sometimes goes in to the junk mail folder as well and sometimes gets automatically deleted after 6 days. You may move it to your inbox folder or you can make a record of same in a safe place.

• You are not allowed to share your password with others and if it is been identified, SU will discontinue you accessing online resources using the relevant password.

• Until such time the log in details are received you may send in your links to the library staff. One may send up to 10 links at a time. The articles available for downloading under our authorization will be forwarded to you within 24 hours.

• Please also note Email addresses of the library team could be reached at:

Reservation of Group Discussion/Presentation Practice Rooms

• The Group Discussion and Presentation Practice Rooms are available only at the City Campus during weekdays. These rooms could be reserved ONLY for collaborative study and/or presentation practice; they are not for meetings, classes etc.

• The time allocation for a group is 2 hours. One individual of the group may book one room for one block per day. Maximum group size is 8 students and the minimum should be 3 students. Students are reminded that block booking of rooms is not acceptable.

• A 15 minute grace period will be given for all room bookings and occupancy, after which time the booking is forfeited.

• The member in whose name the booking is done will take responsibility of adhering to rules and regulations stipulated by the institute and will be held accountable for damages to the property and is required to remain with the group during the allocated time.

• The group member who makes the booking should collect the key to the room during the respective time by handing over the Student ID card of all group members who wish to occupy the room. Students who are not registered in a particular slot will not be permitted to use the group discussion rooms provided they have handed over their Student ID's to the Library.

• The student responsible for making the booking must return the key during the allocated time frame. He/She is also responsible to switch off the A/C and Electricity and also remove all personal belongings and dispose trash before leaving the room so that the room is ready for use by the next group

• Do not re-arrange furniture or sit on the tables. Food and drinks will not be permitted within this facility. Strictly No Games and watching of movies is prohibited.

• This area is a Quiet Zone and appropriate behavior is expected from the students. Please respect your fellow students; keep noise to a minimum.

• If students do not adhere to rules and regulations they would face suspension of the use of these rooms for one week. Library Staff has the right to refuse the use of these rooms, if Library Code of conduct or other Library Policies are violated.

• Group who violates the rules on more than two occasions, they would face disciplinary action as per the discretion of the management of APIIT.

Conduct of Readers in the Library and Study Rooms

• Silence

Mobile phones are required to be switched to silent mode prior to entering into the library. You are required to leave the library if you wish to answer the mobile phone or make a call. Students are advised not to gather along the corridor and carry out long conversations, as this will be distracting to students working in the library.

• Bags

No bags are allowed in the library. Members may place their bags on the racks provided for this purpose.

• Consumption of Food/Beverage

Eating, drinking and smoking are strictly prohibited within the library and the study rooms

• Vandalism

The furniture and fittings provided in the library and study rooms are organized to allow for maximum comfort and privacy for members to carry out their work. Members caught scribbling or mutilating the library property will be penalized.